There is much to celebrate at New Africa Books this month. Twenty-six of our isiXhosa children’s books have been selected for the first ever catalogue of 100 books, in isiXhosa, for young children. A big thank you to all who have been involved!
Puku, IBBY SA, NLSA, UNISA, University of the Western Cape, Biblionef SA - and all the people who have made this catalogue a reality
New Africa Books is proud to have 26 titles in this catalogue:
Mpumi's Magic Beads, Best Meal Ever, How Lion Got His Roar, The Girl Without A Sound, Beautiful Debo, The Lost Shell, Why Aren't I In The Photographs, Kwezi Collectors Edition 2 Issues 4-6, Kwezi Collectors Edition 1 Issues 1-3, Laduma, When I Grow Up, I am Water, I am Earth, Afi & The Magic Drum, Oh! And Ah! Buhle, The Calf Of Many Colours, Citronella, Greedy Man, Kind Rock, Lindiwe, Our Hero!, Louba The Little Soccer Player, Colour of Love, Modjadji The Rain Queen, Nana & The Caterpillar, Peggy's Smile, Father Snail, How The Hippopotamus Lost It's Fur