RAINBEAST by Nicolaas Maritz is a WHITE RAVEN 2022
New Africa Books is honoured to announce that RainBeast by Nicolaas Maritz is a White Raven 2022.
The White Raven label is given to books that deserve worldwide attention because of their universal themes and/or their exceptional and often innovative artistic and literary style and design.
The International Youth Library’s ”White Ravens 2022” catalogue features 200 titles in 37 languages from 53 countries. You can download the catalogue as a PDF file from their website here.
The printed catalogue will be available at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2022. Please feel free to pick up a copy at the White Ravens booth in Hall 3.0 / H 126.
The reviews, bibliographical data and book covers of the 200 White Ravens titles are also available in the “White Ravens” Database here.
The 200 White Ravens books will be announced one after the other from 24 October 2022 on @thewhiteravens.books on Instagram under the hashtag #ravenoftheday.
Next March, the 200 “White Ravens 2022” books will be on display at the International Youth Library’s booth at the Bologna Children’s Book Fair. The printed catalogue will be available there, too.
#wrlist2022 #indigenouslanguages #multilingualism #childrensbooks #youngreaders #raisingreaders #bookswelove #kidlit