Lank, lank gelede het die inheemse inwoners van die Tsitsikamma geweet van die
genesende krag van die bos se strome. Tiqua die Groot Vegter was ’n wyse hoofman in daardie dae. Nadat hy ’n paar gesteelde kinders gered het van Gaunab die bose verwoester, gaan hy na die rivier om die kinders gesond te maak.
’n Inheemse Tsitsikammastorie oorvertel in Engels, Afrikaans en isiXhosa.
Long ago, the indigenous people of the Tsitsikamma knew of the healing power of the
forest streams. Tiqua the Great Warrior was a wise chief in those times. After saving some stolen children from Gaunab the evil destroyer, he turns to the river to bring the children
back to health.
Kudaladala, abantu bemveli baseTsitsikamma babesazi ngamandla aphilisayo emisinga
yamanzi asehlathini. UTiqua iGorha eliKhulu wayeyinkosi enobulumko yaloo maxesha. Emveni kokuba ehlanguale abantwana ababiwayo ngumtshabalalisi okhohlakeleyo uGaunab, ubalekela emlanjeni ukubuyisela impilo ebantwaneni.
Ibali labantu bemveli baseTsitsikama elibaliswe ngesiNgesi, ngesiAfrikansi nangesiXhosa.
isiXhosa translations crafted by the acclaimed and multi-award-winning author Sindiwe Magona, with Afrikaans translations skillfully rendered by the renowned author Diana Ferrus.
An indigenous Tsitsikamma story told in English, Afrikaans and isiXhosa.
Illustrator: Stanley Grootboom
Language: Multilingual
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-4856-4181-0, December 2023, 265mm x 215mm, 32 pages
Rights: World
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