The Wood-Ash Stars

The Wood-Ash Stars


Written by Marguerite Poland, Illustrated by Shanne Altshuler

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R 200.00

These stories, by the well-known children’s writer Marguerite Poland, draw on the rich and varied folk traditions of four southern African peoples: San (The Wood-ash Stars), Xhosa (Nombulelo), Tsonga (Tobane and the Watermelon), and Zulu (Child of the Doves). They are not folk tales retold, however, but original stories inspired by African world-views. The illustrations by Shanne Altshuler match the stories in their liveliness and imagination, and in their carefully researched detail.

Folk traditions of four southern African peoples

Language: English

Formats: Paperback, eBook

ISBN: 978 0 86486 089 7, Published in 1983, reprinted in 2022, 246x180mm, 63 pages

Rights: World

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