All forms of counting, in any language, start with the basic units: 1, 2, 3…
The artwork in this multilingual counting book features southern African wildlife, and numbers from 1 to 10 and then back again from 10 to 1. Each number is handily translated into more than 20 southern African languages.
“After all, without numeracy, how could we ever count our blessings?” – Nicolaas Maritz
"An exciting, vividly illustrated picture counting book, which allows translation into 20 languages and Latin, from English. This includes sign language and Naro and Khoekhoegowab, which helps preserve endangered SA languages but also includes French and German and 0shiWambo, so this book can be enjoyed across Africa and the world. A truly inclusive, groundbreaking project." ~ Review by Marj Brown for the IBBY Honour List 2024
"In this brilliantly conceptualized book, Nicolaas Maritz is the author and the illustration artist, but a small crowd of translators participated in the translation of numbers and names of animals, birds, fish and insects into no less than twenty-five languages from southern Africa. Readers are invited at the end of the book to participate in adding alternative and additional words or spellings. The illustrations are interactive with the reader throughout, as one or more animals in each illustration look towards the reader. With each intriguing illustration, a narrative conversation takes place about, among other possibilities, the habitat of each animal separately and all the animals together. The possibilities in which this interactive narrative conversation can be conducted are encouraged by the book's multilingualism." ~ Review by Betsie van der Westhuizen for the IBBY Honour List 2024
Includes over 20 languages - : Afrikaans; Al-ʿArabiyyah اَلعَْرَبِيةَُّ ; Deutsch; Français; Khoekhoegowab; Naro; IsiNdebele; Nǀo̰akhoe Kx’ui; Nǀuuki; Português; S.A Sign language; Sepedi; Sesotho; Setswana; ChiShona; KiSwahili; SiSwati; Tshivenḓa; OshiWambo; iXhosa Xitsonga; isiZulu; !Orakobab; ǃXóɲa ǂÂá
Illustrator: Nicolaas Maritz
Language: Multilingual
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-4856-3106-4, January 2023, 300 x 240 , 36 pages
Rights: World
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